$2,000 Future Innovators Scholarship Program for Students

About the Future Innovators Scholarship Program
Equal access to education is one of the main pillars of StudySoup’s values. To further propagate access to education for all, StudySoup recently announced a $2,000 scholarship for outstanding students enrolling in or continuing to pursue education opportunities.

Who is eligible:
Any legal U.S. resident at least eighteen (18) years old who meets one of the following criteria:

  • Currently attending high school
  • Currently attending an accredited university or college (undergraduate and graduate students are both eligible)

How to apply:
Follow this link to the application form: https://studysoup.com/scholarship

You’ll need to submit 3 short writing segments to be considered for this scholarship.

About StudySoup
StudySoup is a Peer-to-Peer Learning Marketplace that connects top students in the class with those who need a little help. Top students can upload their notes, and study guides to the StudySoup Marketplace, and their peers can purchase those study materials, earning the seller a sweet income.

Fall: October 1st 2016
Spring: March 1st 2017

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PO Box 599
Nenana, AK 99760

Cognia Accredited VCA CASI | NWAC | SACS CASI

Phone: 907-832-5423
Fax: 907-832-5468
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

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