Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment in the CyberLynx program is done so by choice. Here are a few requirements that parents and students must fulfill in order to enroll with us.
A student must be at least five years old on or before September 1 in order to enroll in kindergarten. Additionally, he or she must be at least six years old on or before September 1 in order to enroll in first grade.
A student must be younger than 20 years old on September 1. Turning 20 years old sometime during the school year with CyberLynx is fine.
Students with special education needs are eligible to enroll if it is determined that CyberLynx is the most appropriate and least restrictive educational environment and the student is younger than 22 years old on July 1. The determination of whether to enroll a student with special education needs is made by the CyberLynx principal after a review of the student’s IEP (Individual Education Plan) by our special education staff.
We do enroll preschool students who have an older sibling currently enrolled with CyberLynx and who are at least four years old on or before September 1. The annual allotment for preschool students is $500.
Students who are dually enrolled with another public school must have the Dual Enrollment Agreement form in place before funding will be available in their student accounts. Talk to your site office contact teacher if this applies to you or your student.
CyberLynx students may enroll in a private school and list some of those classes on the CyberLynx list of classes and be reimbursed for individual courses. Ask your contact teacher about which of these courses are eligible.
The CyberLynx program is only for residents of Alaska. Enrollment in CyberLynx requires an Alaska mailing or physical address.
Full funding is only available for students who enroll and complete their PER/ILP on or before October 1. Students enrolled after this date will have a reduced allotment amount, depending on the date of their enrollment. Please contact your site office for funding amounts for late enrollment.
Students who enroll after the state count period are considered mid-year enrollees and will have a reduced student allotment. A PER/ILP must be completed within two weeks of a student’s enrollment being accepted. Parents may choose vendor-graded curriculum but are responsible for any incurred fees beyond the student’s allotment.
We are required to administer Statewide Assessments to all students each spring. These typically take place in April. Call our office and talk with a contact teacher for more information about state testing.
Academic Information
Certified Teachers
All of our CyberLynx parent advisors are certified teachers with the State of Alaska, and they are available to assist you and your child with all academic related issues.
Parents are considered the student’s primary instructors. CyberLynx certified teachers help our parents develop a Personal Education Report/Individual Learning Plan (PER/ILP, which is a fancy name for the student’s list of classes), monitor student progress, work with parents to assign course grades, and maintain monthly contact with parents and students.
Communication between the Parent and Site Office Contact Teacher
Communication between the parent and contact teacher ensures that students are making adequate progress and meeting program requirements. Enrolled families are required to maintain monthly teacher-student or teacher-parent contact. Contact records must include reviews of the student’s academic progress. Students not making adequate academic progress may be required to make weekly contact with teachers until sufficient progress has been made.
Contact may be accomplished via phone, email, mail correspondence, or office visits. To help ensure student success as part of the monthly monitoring, teachers will also verify receipt of curriculum/orders, and address any concerns or questions.
If more than 30 days transpire without required contact, the student’s account may be put on hold. After 60 days without contact, a family may be withdrawn from the program for non-compliance with CyberLynx and state requirements.
Personal Education Report and Individual Learning Plan (PER/ILP)
The PER/ILP is an individually developed document for students, jointly created by your contact teacher and you, the homeschool parent, to outline the course work for the current school year. It contains the Personalized Education Report (PER) and State Standards that are met in each subject area along with methodologies of instruction (ILP). The PER is a working document that shows the student’s yearly classes and curriculum and serves as a semester grade report. A current PER/ILP must be on file, and a new PER/ILP must be completed each subsequent year.
If the student is receiving special education support, courses required by a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), must be reflected on the PER/ILP under 4 AAC 52.
All curricula listed on PER/ILP must be on the CyberLynx list of approved curricula. If the curriculum is not listed, a course agreement for a parent-designed, home-designed course agreement is required (see page 11). Each course agreement requires approval by the CyberLynx principal. Curricula can also be submitted through the approval process in order to possibly add it to our list of approved curricula (see page 11).
During the academic year, a student’s PER/ILP may be revised, depending on the needs of the student. For the first (or fall) semester courses, the last date to make changes is January 15. For the second (or spring) semester courses, the last date to make changes is March 30. To drop a class, you must contact your site office certified teacher. A student will be responsible for completing the courses listed on the PER unless they are dropped by the dates above.
A signed PER/ILP from the current academic year must be on file with the district in order to release funds from the student’s account to process orders and reimbursements. Purchases must be directly linked to a class on each student’s PER/ILP.
CyberLynx students who also attend a local private or public school may only list classes on the CyberLynx PER that are not being taken at the other school or listed on the other school’s schedule.
High school classes must have a credit status to be included on a student’s PER/ILP. Auditing a class with CyberLynx is not an option.
Every student enrolled by October 23 MUST have a current PER/ILP by November 1. If a PER/ILP is not complete, the student will be withdrawn.
Expiration/ Completed PER/ILP
Courses on a student’s PER/ILP will be finalized with the current grade when the following conditions exist:
- When a records request is received from another school district
- On October 15 for the subsequent year
- If a student is not re-enrolled by October 15
- If the student has been administratively withdrawn for lack of contact or academic progress
Vendor-graded courses expire as determined by individual vendors.
- If a class expires and the student has the funds in their allotment to pay for an extension, they may request an extension. CyberLynx can only pay for extensions if funds are available in the student’s allotment. Not all vendor-graded courses allow for course extensions, so check with your contact teacher.
A grade of Incomplete (“I”) will be assigned to all courses that are not completed at the time a student’s PER/ILP is finalized. Students have 30 days to complete the course or courses and petition for a grade change. After 30 days, a grade of Incomplete becomes an “F” or failing grade (see Grade Policy).
State-Mandated Core Classes
The state of Alaska requires a student to be enrolled in a minimum of four classes per semester to be considered a full-time student. There is also a 50/50 rule that states that at least half of the classes must be core classes (math, language arts, science, social studies, technology, world language) and that up to half of the classes may be non-core (art, music, PE, etc.). As many as eight classes can be listed on the student’s PER/ILP each semester. Enrolling in more than eight courses per semester requires approval by the CyberLynx principal.
Examples of Core Courses:
- Language Arts: English, Composition, Literature, etc.
- Math: 6th Grade Math, Algebra, Business & Consumer Math, etc.
- Social Studies: 5th grade Social Studies, Geography, US History, Economics, etc.
- Science: 4th Grade Science, Biology, Astronomy, Earth Science, etc.
- World Language: German, Italian, Spanish, American Sign Language, etc.
- Technology: Keyboarding (typing), Game Design, Digital Photography, etc.
Examples of Non-Core Courses:
- Art: Multimedia Art, Art History, Drawing Landscapes, etc.
- Music: Piano, Violin, Drums, etc.
- PE: Taekwondo, Swimming, Gymnastics, etc.
- General Electives: Home Economics, Fundamentals of Electricity, Welding, etc.
- Health, Life Skills, Vocational Education, etc.
At CyberLynx, our goal is to give parents as much choice and flexibility as possible regarding both curriculum and instruction. We understand that parents who want to homeschool often know what methods and tools work best for their students.
CyberLynx students are required to use an appropriate curriculum from our list of approved curricula for each course. Please contact your site office certified teacher for a list of approved curricula.
If you are interested in using a curriculum not included on the approved curricula list, you could either create a home-designed course (see below) or request that the curriculum be reviewed for possible inclusion on our list of approved curricula. See below for a description of the curriculum approval process.
Home Designed (or Parent Designed) Courses
All home-designed or parent-designed courses in all grade levels require a Course Agreement. Your parent advisor will be able to assist you in developing the Course Agreement. Each course with a Course Agreement requires principal approval.
- Course Agreements must be completed during the PER/ILP meeting with the certified teacher.
- Course Agreements must include an overview of the class, including a semester-long syllabus that addresses the Alaska State Standards.
- Course Agreements require that a student in grades 7-12 type an essay (one page per semester-long course) addressing what he/she learned through taking the class. Please see your contact teacher for essay requirements.
- Time logs must also be kept for all PE, Music, Art, and direct instruction-based Course Agreement classes. If you choose to use a calendar, please make sure the calendar size is no greater than 8½ x 11 inches (they just photocopy and fit better in a file that way).
- High School students (grades 9-12) must log 70 hrs. for each 0.5 credit class or 140 hrs. for each 1 credit class.
- Middle School students (grades 6-8) must log 60 hrs. for each one-semester class or 120 hrs. for each year-long class.
- Elementary students (grades 1-5) must log 50 hrs. for each one-semester class or 100 hrs. for each year-long class.
- Kindergarten & preschool students must log 40 hrs. for each one-semester class or 80 hrs. for each year-long class.
- High school students taking home-designed courses in Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies must have a final test/project assigned by a CyberLynx certified teacher.
- Essays, work samples, and time logs must be submitted to the certified teacher along with any other requirements identified on the Course Agreement to receive credit.
Faith-Based Curricula
The State of Alaska says no school district funds can be used to pay for – or reimburse for – curricula, courses, or material that are religious, partisan, sectarian, or denominational in nature. 4AAC 33.421 (e). Nothing in regulation prevents a parent from providing supplemental instruction to the parent’s own child using materials of the parent’s choice if the materials were not purchased with money provided by the program. CyberLynx cannot include, evaluate, or assign credit for classes whose primary focus is the teaching of religious doctrine or the study of religious texts.
Curriculum Approval/Alignment Process
When a parent or teacher wishes to use a curriculum not currently included on the CyberLynx list of approved curricula, the parent must provide the complete curriculum for review, and the teacher can submit the curriculum for review and possible inclusion on our list.
The process is as follows:
- Certified teachers and the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) review the curriculum to see if it meets the Alaska State Standards for that content area and grade level and to determine if it is of the same quality as those materials used by the district’s other programs.
- The certified teacher submits the curriculum along with a written recommendation to the Principal for final approval.
- The Nenana City School Board will review all CyberLynx curricula during its six-year curriculum review cycle.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
CyberLynx parents and teachers serve on the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC has meetings in the site offices as needed in order to solicit parent comments and concerns, provide direct input on policy development and implementation, and to advise the program leadership about curricula to be recommended for adoption and use. Please contact your local office if you would like to serve on the local PAC.
Academic Monitoring/Quarterly Work Samples
In accordance with state regulations (4 AAC 33.431), all statewide correspondence programs are required to review student work on a quarterly basis. During each quarterly review, the parent or guardian must provide a complete work sample for each course listed on a student’s Personal Education Report/Individual Learning Plan (PER/ILP).
Work Samples
A work sample is a collection, or a brief portfolio, of the student’s completed work in a given subject. A minimum of three items for an academic class is appropriate for a complete work sample, and these items could include daily assignments, quizzes, reviews, or exams showing the student’s level of independent mastery of the instructed concepts and skills for each course.
A complete quarterly work sample could consist of the following:
- Portfolio: work samples that show a student’s performance on daily assignments with assistance. Examples could include:
- Daily Lessons/Assignments
- End-of-Lesson or Chapter Reviews
- Creative Writing
- Reports
- Quizzes: work samples that show a student’s performance with little to no assistance
- Mid-Unit Quizzes graded by the parent/instructor
- Chapter Tests graded by the parent/instructor
- Unit Exams: work samples that show a student’s performance with no assistance
- Midterm Exams graded by the parent/instructor
- Semester Finals graded by the parent/instructor
- Independently completed writing assignments/prompts or essays
- Independently completed projects or presentations
- Vendor Reports: a vendor-generated report showing student progress in each course. For vendor-graded courses, semester-long courses must have half of the required work submitted (example: 4 of 8 lessons turned in) to count for a completed quarter. Year-long courses must have a quarter of the required work submitted (example 4 of 16 lessons turned in) to count for a completed quarter.
The purpose of providing a work sample is to give the certified teacher a complete and accurate picture of what the student knows and is able to do in a given academic area.
Students not making adequate academic progress may be required to make weekly contact with teachers until sufficient progress has been made. If weekly contact is not maintained, the student’s account may be put on hold which will delay reimbursements and other payments.
Work Sample Submission Due Dates for Each Quarter
One of our core values is our ability to provide maximum flexibility along with ensuring that students are making healthy academic progress. All families are different, beginning and ending their school year at different times. To support all families, we provide the following due dates for quarterly work sample submissions.
Quarter 1 work samples due from October 15 to November 15
Quarter 2 work samples due from January 15 to February 15
Quarter 3 work samples due from March 15 to April 15
Quarter 4 work samples due on May 15 – June 15 (or earlier)*
(* Second-semester graduating seniors will have additional deadlines.)
Work samples may be accepted by your CyberLynx site office teacher either electronically or as a hard copy. If adequate quarterly work samples for each course are not submitted by the end of the submission window, the student’s allotment funds may be put on hold, and students may be withdrawn from CyberLynx for failure to document academic progress. Work samples may always be turned in earlier than this schedule.
Grading Information
The certified teacher will assign the student’s grades. In accordance with state regulations, certified teachers and principals are the only persons allowed to assign student grades and credit on CyberLynx PER/ILPs. As the student’s primary instructor, parents are always consulted regarding their understanding of the student’s level of performance.
- Letter grades issued by vendors will be transcribed onto a student’s permanent transcript as reported, consistent with the CyberLynx grade scale.
- Vendor grading scales may vary from the CyberLynx grading scale. When a percentage is available, the letter grade will be converted to CyberLynx scale (see below).
Kindergarten through Grade 3 | Grades 4-12 | ||
E = Excellent | A = 90%-100% | D = 60% – 69% | |
S = Satisfactory | B = 80% – 89% | F = 0% – 59% | |
N = Needs Improvement | C = 70% – 79% | P = Pass |
Grades will be assigned by the student’s certified contact teacher using the following guidelines:
- Coursework not completed by the expiration of PER/ILP, at the time of withdrawal, or when a records request is received from another school, will be assigned a grade of Incomplete (“I”). Parents/students have 30 days to complete the courses and petition for the incomplete grade to be changed. After 30 days an incomplete becomes a permanent “F” on the transcript.
- Plagiarized work will receive no credit for the particular assignment. The student must meet with the certified teacher and follow a course of restitution assigned by the certified teacher. This is a great opportunity to learn about plagiarism and how to avoid it! If there is a second offense, there will be a loss of credit and possible withdrawal from the CyberLynx program.
- Appeals concerning grades should be presented in writing to the principal for final decisions.
Grading Services
Some curriculum sources offer grading services for a fee (fees for vendor grading services will be deducted from the student’s account). Contact your site office certified teacher for more information.
- Parents may choose to evaluate the coursework material themselves instead of using vendor grading services. However, state statutes allow only a certified teacher to award final course grades.
- A CyberLynx teacher reviews work samples and assigns grades after conferring with parents about the student’s academic progress.
Academic Tutoring
CyberLynx has staff at each site office to provide limited tutoring; please call to schedule tutoring sessions. If the need for academic tutoring is ongoing throughout the year, utilizing a private, paid tutor is recommended. Private tutoring can be paid for out of the student allotment. Please refer to the funding section for specific parameters (page 26). If you have additional questions, please contact your local site office.
MAP Growth
The MAP Growth assessment is a computer-based assessment that is a useful tool to help parents better understand what their child knows and is ready to learn next in the areas of language arts and math. It can also help parents track their child’s individual academic growth over time, wherever they are starting from, and whatever grade they are in. CyberLynx offers MAP Growth three times each year, at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year. This is not a requirement, but it is an additional benefit to your child’s enrollment with CyberLynx that will allow you to have a better conversation with your contact teacher about your student’s academic progress.
State Testing
The State of Alaska Department of Education has partnered with NWEA and MAP Growth to develop the AK STAR online assessment that meets the need of state accountability measures and reduces the testing burden on students. This test covers the content areas of English/Language Arts (reading and writing), Math (grades 3-9), and Science (grades 4, 8, and 10), and they are typically administered in the spring of each year.
Parents are encouraged to have their children participate in the MAP Growth interim assessments in the fall and winter, and then participate in the combined AK STAR summative assessment and AK Star online assessment each spring.
We also recognize a parent’s right to not have their child participate in state testing. Students who do not participate in testing will not be barred from re-enrolling, their student allotment and financial accounts will not be affected, and their grades or academic standing will not be affected.
Special Education Services
Each of our CyberLynx offices has qualified and certified staff to support special education students and manage the special education paperwork. Students with Special Education needs may enroll if it is determined that CyberLynx is the most appropriate and least restrictive educational environment. This determination is made by the CyberLynx Principal and the Special Education Director after a review of the student’s IEP (Individual Education Plan). The student must be less than 22 years old on July 1 to enroll in CyberLynx with an IEP.
Students with an IEP who are dually enrolled with another local public or private school must have a Cooperative Services Agreement in place. The Cooperative Services Agreement identifies which school will be managing the IEP and related services. This is different from the Dual Enrollment Agreement. Please contact your local office for more information about special education services.
Withdrawal Policies
In order to process and finalize grades for the semester(s), progress reports and work samples must be submitted at the time of withdrawal. A grade of I (Incomplete), WD (Withdrawn), or F will be assigned for each class with no credit given if work samples are not completed and handed in to the certified teacher at the time of withdrawal.
Administrative Withdrawal
Students may be administratively withdrawn if:
- Quarterly work samples are not received in a timely manner.
- Work samples are not acceptable or not approved by the certified teacher.
- Enrolled students do not have a signed PER/ILP completed by November 1.
- There have been more than sixty (60) consecutive days without adequate contact between the student or family and the assigned contact teacher.
- The student is no longer an Alaska resident.
Parent Withdrawal
Parents can withdraw their students at any time, for any reason. You can simply let your contact teacher know that this is desired, and you may do so in person, over the phone, by email, etc.
If a student is withdrawn prior to the close of registration (November 1), all reimbursements and materials must be returned to CyberLynx immediately. The completion of a withdrawal form is necessary to formally exit the program. Please contact your site office certified teacher to communicate your plans.
High School
High school students are those students in grades 9 – 12. Through their coursework, high school students earn credits to complete the requirements to earn their diplomas. A high school student’s grade level advancement is determined as follows:
Grade Levels (BP 5123)
- A freshman (grade 9) is a student in his/her first year of high school.
- A sophomore (grade 10) is a student in his/her second year of high school, OR a student who has earned 5 credits but less than 10.5 credits.
- A junior (grade 11) is a student in his/her third year of high school, OR any year thereafter until the student has earned 15.5 credits. Of the 15.5 credits, there must be a minimum of 7 combined credits in academic core classes (English, mathematics, science, and social studies).
- A senior (grade 12) is a student who has earned 15.5 credits OR any year thereafter until state and local graduation requirements have been satisfied or until the student exceeds school age.
Graduation Requirements
Most high schools in Alaska have similar graduation requirements, but there are typically minor variations in the credits and courses required. The Graduation Requirements Checklist form shows how many credits are required in each subject area. The site office certified teacher and student will use this form to keep track of what credits and courses have been completed, and what credits and courses are still needed to meet graduation requirements.
Dual-enrolled students must talk with their teachers about which school they wish to graduate from. Students graduating with CyberLynx must make sure to obtain a final transcript from any private/public school and provide it to their contact teacher. Students graduating from another private/public school must finalize all grades with their contact teacher before graduation deadlines from private/public school.
The State of Alaska requires that all graduates of a particular school year must complete all requirements by June 30 of that school year. Any student who has not completed all graduation requirements by this date will be counted in our state reporting as a dropout for that school year. These students must then re-enroll for the following school year and complete all graduation requirements to receive a diploma, regardless of how quickly they complete the graduation requirements.
Students who are planning to graduate from CyberLynx should think about their goals and plans for high school and beyond. Students who are interested in applying for competitive scholarships, competitive colleges, trade schools, or military enlistment should let their contact teacher know so that they can work with your student to select the appropriate courses to meet their educational goals.
The CyberLynx Diploma minimum graduation requirements
In order to graduate from CyberLynx with a high school diploma, students must earn the following combinations of content areas and credits:
English/Language Arts 4.0 credits
Math 3.0 credits
Science 2.0 credits
Social Studies 2.5 credits
Alaska Studies 0.5 credits
PE/Health 1.0 credits
Electives 9.0 credits
Total: 22 credits
The Alaska Performance Scholarship
The Alaska Performance Scholarship provides an opportunity for Alaska high school students to earn a scholarship to help cover the cost of an Alaska postsecondary education. Alaska high school students who take a more rigorous curriculum, get good grades, and score well on college placement or work-ready exams, can earn an Alaska Performance Scholarship to qualified Alaska colleges, universities, or vocational/technical programs.
The requirements for the Alaska Performance Scholarship are fully outlined on the APS website. https://acpe.alaska.gov/FINANCIAL-AID/AK-Performance-Scholarship
High School Courses
Talk to your contact teacher about which courses would be right for you. There are many options to choose from. For English/Language Arts, a typical progression could be English 1, English 2, English 3, American Literature, British Literature, and World Literature. For Math, a typical progression could be Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. For Science, a typical progression could be Earth Science, Physical Science, Life Science (Biology), and Chemistry. For Social Studies, a typical progression could be US History, World History, Alaska History, and Government/Civics.
CyberLynx does not stipulate which classes should be taken in a given content area, only that the required number of credits be completed in each content area.
Vocational Education – Vocational education classes are those that allow a student to explore the world of work by learning skills that he or she may use when obtaining a job or identifying a career interest. They may be classes that teach business or office skills, business finance skills, work safety, or employability skills. Work Study (on the job training) courses can allow students to earn credit for jobs they are currently working or for other internships or volunteer hours they work. Work Study classes can only earn a “P” or Pass for a grade. A grade of “P” does not receive GPA points but does receive credit.
Health/Life Skills – Health is a course to help students understand the components of a healthy lifestyle. Life Skills courses are those that contribute to awareness for healthy adult living. Examples could include Career Exploration, Employability Skills (interviews, résumé), and Personal Finance.
Technology – Technology classes are those that the student uses to increase his/her computer skills. Acceptable classes could include Keyboarding, Introduction to Computers, Digital Photography, Computer Programming, and Website Design.
Physical Education (PE) – Students can earn physical education (PE) credit in a variety of ways including participation in a competitive sport as part of a team, lessons for activities such as swimming, martial arts, etc. or working out at home or at a gym.
Driver’s Education – For a student to receive credit for driver’s education, the class must be listed on the PER and taken in conjunction with an approved curriculum. CyberLynx can also pay for local, behind-the-wheel driver’s instruction as a supplement to the student’s driver’s education course.
Electives – Any class that does not count for credit in another specific category can count as an elective. Typically, electives are those classes like art, music, photography, and world languages. Credits earned in other content areas that are in excess of the required credits in that content area will count toward elective requirements. For example, if a student takes four math classes, the fourth math class may be used as an elective since only three credits of math are required.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The Nenana City Public School District uses a 4.0 GPA scale.
One high school credit is worth the following: | Accredited University/ College level credit is worth the following: | |||||
A | = | 4 | A | = | 5 | |
B | = | 3 | B | = | 4 | |
C | = | 2 | C | = | 3 | |
D | = | 1 | D | = | 2 | |
F | = | 0 | F | = | 0 | |
P | = | Does not receive GPA points, but does receive credit |
GPA Recovery
To substitute or replace a grade for a core course already on a student’s transcript, courses must meet the following guidelines:
- Out-of-district classes must be identical in the course title and taken from the same school/vendor/publisher as the course to be replaced.
- CyberLynx classes must be identical in course title and curriculum to the course to be replaced.
College-Level Courses in High School
High school students may take college-level courses if they feel they can be successful. Students earning passing scores and college credit from an accredited college or university will also be awarded high school credit for those courses. Three credit college courses (a typical one-semester course) will earn 0.5 high school credits.
College credits are translated to high school credits as follows:
- 2 credit college class = 0.25 high school credits
- 3 or 4 credit college class = 0.5 high school credits
- 5 credit college class = 0.75 high school credits
A one-credit college class does not earn high school credit, but it can be combined with another course from the same academic department to earn a grade of “P” and earn high school credits consistent with the equivalencies listed above.
The CyberLynx Scholarship
The CyberLynx Scholarship Program is a competitive scholarship intended to offer additional college opportunities for our full-time high school students. This program will pay for one course of the student’s choice from any University of Alaska system campus. This scholarship is awarded twice a year, and the deadlines for submitting applications are December 1 for scholarships to be used during the following spring semester, and April 1 for scholarships to be used during the following summer semester or the following fall semester. If special circumstances or considerations are needed due to college schedules, the CyberLynx Principal may allow for the use of this scholarship during a semester other than those designated above.
Up to three scholarships may be awarded for the spring semester, and up to three may be awarded for the summer/fall semesters. Scholarships only cover the cost of tuition for a single semester course up to a maximum of $702 for the 23-24 school year (books and lab fees can be paid from family allotment). The course that is covered by the scholarship must be added to the PER. The course choice must be in compliance with Alaska state regulations which means the number of electives cannot exceed the number of core classes. Scholarships are paid directly to the University of Alaska institution providing the course, and students will receive high school credit as well as college credit for these courses.
The UA Scholars Program
The UA Scholars Award is a program of the University of Alaska that awards $12,000 scholarships to the top 10 percent of juniors from each qualifying Alaska high school. The award may be used for attendance at any University of Alaska campus. Students are designated by their high school based on their standing at the end of their junior year. UA Scholar designees from CyberLynx are submitted after June 30 each year. To qualify, students must be enrolled in CyberLynx full-time, have earned at least 15.5 credits, and have spent exactly three years in high school. The student’s GPA is cumulative of all high school credits.
If a student does not qualify at the end of their junior year but does graduate from CyberLynx in the top 10% of their class, they can apply for a waiver directly through the UA Scholars program in order to qualify for the UA Scholars Award.
The UA Scholars Award requires that students graduate from an Alaska high school. UA Scholars receive $1,500 per semester for up to eight semesters. The award amount is fixed and is not dependent on other financial aid received. Once enrolled, UA Scholars must maintain full-time enrollment status and a 2.5 cumulative GPA to remain eligible for the award. For more information on the UA Scholars program, go to www.alaska.edu/scholars/.
Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS)
Students interested in the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) will need to take a college career readiness assessment such as the SAT, ACT, and/or WorkKeys exam. More information about the APS can be found online. Please ask your contact teacher for more information about qualifying for the Alaska Performance Scholarship since the APS has very specific credit and course requirements which differ from CyberLynx’s minimum graduation requirements. The requirements for the Alaska Performance Scholarship are fully outlined on the APS website. https://acpe.alaska.gov/FINANCIAL-AID/AK-Performance-Scholarship
High school transcripts are typically requested by other high schools or universities from our district office in Nenana. An official high school transcript can be requested online by current or former students by clicking on the link at the top of this webpage. Current or former students aged 18 and above must sign their own transcript request. Parents cannot request a transcript for adult students. For questions or clarification, please check with your site office.
Home Generated Transcripts
Families who have independently educated their high school student(s) prior to enrolling in CyberLynx can provide a home-generated transcript to document the courses completed as well as the credits and grades earned for those courses.
A home-generated transcript should include the student’s name, the school year(s), the student’s grade level, the names of the courses taken, the grades earned, the credits earned, and it should be signed by the parent. CyberLynx will accept the credits awarded as well as the letter grade given to the student for each course on the home-generated transcript. However, CyberLynx reserves the right to accept all, part, or none of the credits/grades provided to us from other sources.
Graduation Ceremonies – Commencement
The Graduation ceremony is a wonderful time to celebrate this milestone in a student’s and a family’s life. CyberLynx will host a graduation ceremony each year, and graduates are strongly encouraged to participate in these graduation ceremonies. Participation in commencement is not required to receive a diploma. Students may graduate and receive a diploma at any time during the school year once all graduation requirements have been satisfied. Check with site offices to participate in mid-year and/or end-of-the-year graduation ceremonies.
Please keep in mind that CyberLynx does not pay or reimburse for certain graduation–related expenses. Graduation gowns may be available in each site office to borrow for the ceremony. Contact your local site office for more details.
After High School
Our goal is to prepare students for additional opportunities after high school. Colleges, universities, and different branches of the military all have specific requirements for admission. It is the parent’s and/or student’s responsibility to talk with your contact teacher about any post-secondary plans so that we can support you and your student in meeting those goals.
Student Allotment and Funding Information
There is no cost to families for a student’s participation in the CyberLynx program. Instead, a student allotment is provided. The allotment is an amount of money spent on the educational needs of your student. This allotment can pay for items such as student books, classes, school supplies, technology support, tutoring, music or activity lessons, PE, and other items related to your student’s education.
Allotment for grades K-12: $2,700 for a full-time enrolled student.
The preschool allotment is $500 for a preschooler with a full-time enrolled sibling.
Funding does not increase after October 30, even if the student’s enrollment status increases from half-time to full-time, etc.
Student allotments are to be used for educational expenses as listed and/or described on the Personal Educational Report /Individual Learning Plan (PER/ILP). Each purchase must be justified by relating to at least one of the classes listed on the student’s current PER/ILP.
- CyberLynx is required by Alaska state regulation to have final approval in the spending of funds.
- We recommend using a Pre-Approval Form for any non-textbook/curriculum item that has a purchase price greater than $50.
- Students may utilize funds from their sibling’s allotment(s) after their own allotments are depleted.
- Student allotments are available beginning July 1, as long as a signed PER/ILP has been established and all other program requirements are complete.
Unexpended funds remaining in a student’s allotment at the end of the fiscal year will roll over into the student’s allotment for the following year as long as the student remains continuously enrolled with CyberLynx and does not turn 20 years old before October 1 of the following school year. Preschool students’ unexpended funds do not roll over. A student’s allotment will be closed upon withdrawal from CyberLynx. Siblings cannot use funds from a withdrawn student.
Students who have a shortage in their allotment can contribute funds to their allotment to pay the balance of their classes/curriculum order. This money can be submitted to CyberLynx with a check or credit card online (talk to your contact teacher). Funds may be added once per year/per student. The student’s name, the name of the course, and the name of the curriculum should be noted with payment. Payment must be received before the class can be ordered.
Preschool Sibling Allotment
We provide preschool enrollment and a preschool allotment of $500 for a full-time enrolled preschooler. This allotment does not come out of their sibling’s account(s), but a preschooler may utilize funds from their sibling’s account(s) after their accounts are depleted.
Preschoolers must have at least one sibling enrolled with CyberLynx in grades K-12 and must be at least four years of age on or before September 1 to be eligible for enrollment. Preschool students must comply with all CyberLynx paperwork and requirements. A preschool student’s unexpended allotment does not roll over.
School Supplies
Reimbursement or purchases for school supplies including incentives is limited to $250 per full-time student per year.
- Items used by more than one student in a family may be divided equally between allotments.
- Reimbursements for learning incentives or motivational items are limited to $10 per item with a $100 cap on such items per school year.
- Examples of incentives may be stickers, pens, bookmarks, etc. Items such as make-up, candy, non-academic video games, cash money, gift cards, etc., will not be reimbursed, even if these are used as incentives or motivation items.
- Examples of school supplies are pencils, notebooks, printer or notebook paper, printer ink or toner, rulers, erasers, glue, and scissors.
- State regulations allow for the denial of “items that are considered excessive by the school administrator.”
CyberLynx can pay for lessons and/or tutoring as long as the lessons or tutoring correspond directly to a class listed on the PER/ILP. Tutoring for a specific subject requires that that subject be listed as a class.
- PE lessons and activities can be payable or reimbursable by CyberLynx if PE is listed as a class on the PER/ILP and the activities are typical and appropriate for PE and for the student’s grade level.
- Music or instrument lessons and activities can be payable or reimbursable by CyberLynx if music is listed as a class on the PER/ILP and the activities are typical and appropriate for music and for the student’s grade level.
- The cost for tutoring can only be for the enrolled student’s instructional time and not for prep time or non-instructional time.
- The business or instructor must be on the CyberLynx Vendor List, and all vendors must have a current business license. Any business or facility that is not on our Approved Vendor List can easily be added. Talk to your CyberLynx site office for more information.
- CyberLynx does not pay for services provided to a student by a family member. In this section, “family member” means the student’s spouse, guardian, parent, step-parent, sibling, step-sibling, grandparent, step-grandparent, child, uncle, or aunt.
- Receipts from vendors need to specify that they are for instructional lessons, for whom the lessons were delivered, the dates of the lessons, and the method of payment (cash, check, credit card, etc.).
- The only way to guarantee that payment(s) for lessons will be made by CyberLynx is to submit a Price Quote for Services form prior to the delivery of lesson/tutoring services. This will reserve the funds in the student’s allotment in the name of the vendor, who may then submit a bill or invoice to us. An authorization (PO) will be sent to the vendor confirming the dollar amount and the specific student for whom it was approved. Please confirm with your vendor that they received authorization to be assured that CyberLynx will pay future invoices.
If a student takes a class that is paid for by the parent rather than by CyberLynx, the student can still earn credit on his/her transcript, as long as the class is included on the PER/ILP (list of classes) and all requirements of the course are fulfilled.
Purchase Orders
CyberLynx reserves the right to determine from which vendors we will accept orders. Some companies will not accept purchase orders. These companies are noted on the Approved Vendor List as “Reimbursement Only.”
All reimbursement requests must be submitted either online through the Reimbursement Form provided here on this website (see FROMS above). Paper copies of the reimbursement form are also available at all site offices.
- Reimbursement requests must include original receipts, sales slips, invoices, etc., with your family’s name on each one. Digital receipts may be accepted digitally.
- Book reimbursements must include each book title with the receipt. E-Books must also include book titles with receipts.
- Price tags and admission tickets alone are not acceptable; there must be proof of payment (i.e., a sales slip or a receipt stating the method of payment).
- Check copies or carbon copies will not be accepted as proof of payment unless a copy of the canceled check from the bank or bank statement is submitted.
- Reimbursement requests can be made beginning on July 1 for reimbursement from the upcoming school year’s allotment.
- For families with multiple students, each receipt (or group of items) must indicate which student account will be charged. If this is not done, CyberLynx will not be able to process the reimbursement. If reimbursement is for all students, please indicate “all.”
- A student may utilize funds from his or her sibling’s allotment after his or her allotment is depleted.
- CyberLynx keeps comprehensive records of all purchase orders and reimbursements for students’ educational-related expenses. These amounts frequently change upon our receipt of the final invoices from vendors due to price changes and/or shipping costs. Parents may contact their site office at any time and ask for an approximate dollar amount remaining in their student’s account.
- CyberLynx cannot reimburse for materials/curriculum to be used the following year with the current fiscal year’s allotment. For example, CyberLynx cannot pay or reimburse for curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year with funds from the 2023-2024 school year. Items for next year cannot be purchased before April 1 without pre-approval. Parents wanting to purchase curriculum for the upcoming school year and wanting to take advantage of spring curriculum sales before April 1 must be making purchases for re-enrolling students, and purchases must be pre-approved by the CyberLynx principal. Items purchased before April 1 with approval will not be reimbursed until after July 1.
- Instructional materials purchased between April 1 and June 30 of the new school year will not be processed for reimbursement until after July 1. Funds for these requests will be drawn from the upcoming school year allotment. Before funds are available, all requirements from the previous year must be completed, enrollment/re-enrollment confirmation must be completed, and a signed PER/ILP for the new fiscal year must be established.
- All equipment, supplies, and materials purchased to meet PER/ILP goals will be reimbursed using the comparable cost of like items for the public school setting.
- Check with your contact teacher prior to the start of lessons to ensure that your vendor (your piano teacher, your dance studio, etc.) is approved.
- Reimbursements will not be made for amounts totaling less than $50 unless $50 or less remains in your child’s allotment. If a reimbursement request for less than $50 is received, it may be held until additional receipts are submitted.
- You are encouraged to submit reimbursement requests as expenses are incurred, rather than saving them until the end of April. There are some circumstances that could result in only a partial payment or no payment at all. It is best to catch these issues early, when adjustments, returns, or approvals can still be made. Office staff can assist you in utilizing your allotments to the fullest educational benefit for your student(s).
- All orders will be mailed to Alaska resident addresses only. We will not mail orders to addresses outside of Alaska without prior arrangement and approval.
- Reimbursements and other payments to the family will be made via direct deposit or with a check mailed to the family’s home address. We will not mail payments to addresses outside of Alaska without prior arrangement and approval.
- Reimbursement requests may be held if the CyberLynx staff has not received quarterly work samples and/or monthly contact.
- Reimbursements are processed on Wednesday; direct deposits are made and checks are mailed on Friday of each week.
- We highly recommend Direct Deposit as a way for families to receive payments from CyberLynx. Direct Deposit forms are available on the FORMS tab above or from our local offices.
- Please allow 30 days for payments to be processed; we will make every effort to make payments and reimbursements as quickly as possible.
- Absolutely no reimbursements will be processed after the date of withdrawal even if receipts are dated prior to the withdrawal date.
Price Quotes
Price quotes allow us to reserve funds for lessons as well as to purchase items that families have selected from vendors. Price Quote Forms must be received in the CyberLynx Offices by the close of business on April 30 or mailed to CyberLynx and postmarked by April 30. CyberLynx offers two types of Price Quotes: the Price Quote for Services and the Price Quote for Merchandise.
The Price Quote for Services can be submitted by the parent or by the vendor providing services. If submitted by the parent, this simply sets aside money from the student’s allotment to cover the anticipated lessons or other services. This also allows lessons to continue through May and June and still be eligible for reimbursement. Reimbursement payments are only made after proof of payment is submitted to CyberLynx.
- Please make sure the reimbursement request states if a price quote was already submitted.
- The deadline to submit April-June lessons for reimbursement for the current school year is the end of July.
- If this deadline is missed the reimbursement may be resubmitted in the new fiscal year as long as the activity is listed on the new school year’s PER/ILP.
- Lessons taken after reserved funds are exhausted are not reimbursable.
If submitted by the vendor, in the same way, the Price Quote sets money aside from the student’s allotment to cover the anticipated lessons or other services. The vendor will bill CyberLynx for lessons or services after they are completed. Payments drawn on reserved funds are made directly to the vendor. After lessons have been completed by the student, the vendor will bill CyberLynx. Please note that payments for lessons taken after reserved funds are exhausted are the responsibility of the parents.
The Price Quote for Merchandise will allow parents to select products from certain local vendors from who they wish to purchase and request that the store bill CyberLynx directly. Examples of vendors who bill us directly include (but are not limited to) Barnes & Noble, Over the Rainbow, Learning Essentials, Enchanted Forest, et cetera. Contact your local office for a list of local vendors who can bill us directly.
- After parents select merchandise, the vendor will submit a list of the items, including prices, to the Nenana District Office for approval.
- Upon approval, a purchase order is prepared and returned to the vendor; this informs the vendor that the merchandise may be released to the parents.
- The vendor will then submit an invoice for payment.
- CyberLynx makes every effort to complete this process within a few days.
Field Trips/Camps
Field trips, camps, and similar activities are encouraged as part of a child’s educational growth. However, according to state law, “a correspondence study program may not pay for or provide money for services or materials that do not reasonably relate to the delivery of the student’s instructional needs” [4AAC 33.421(h)]. The stringent nature of the law requires that all such activities receive pre-approval from the CyberLynx principal in order to receive reimbursement for expenses. Field trip expenditures may be denied if not pre-approved.
Here are a few local Alaska field trip ideas that are always approved:
The Imaginarium in Anchorage
The Anchorage Museum
The Anchorage Zoo
The Alaska Native Heritage Center
The UAF Museum of the North
The Seward SeaLife Center
Close Up
The Fairbanks Children’s Museum
Travel Expenses for Field Trips
Field trips that include overnight or out-of-state travel are approved for reimbursement on a case-by-case basis. Some factors that we consider when approving these requests include the following questions:
One question we ask is whether the student or the family would be taking this trip if the educational piece were not present. If the answer is no, we are more likely to approve that trip.
For example, if a student were to participate in a guided student travel trip to Washington DC, we recognize that the student would not otherwise go to Washington DC if he or she was not participating in that guided activity. If a student were to travel for a national-level tournament or competition, they would travel to the host city for that event, but would not otherwise be traveling to that city. Those are both legitimate examples of approved field trips.
Another question we ask is whether the field trip activity is a continuation of activities or fields of study that the student has been involved with prior to the field trip. If the answer is yes, we are more likely to approve that trip. For example, if a family designed a year of curriculum around a thematic unit such as “marine mammals” and structured science, writing, art, and social studies around that theme, a culminating activity might be to travel to the National Marine Mammal Foundation to study marine mammals in depth. In another example, if a student were to include music with violin on his or her list of classes, compete in local competitions, and then be invited to advance to a national competition, travel related to that national competition would also be approved as a field trip.
Another factor we consider is whether the trip appears to be an intentional and robust educational experience, or whether it is more of a family vacation. Of course, we cannot use educational funding for a family vacation. However, in the case of family travel, students can participate in and be reimbursed for education activities while they are traveling, if not for the travel itself.
Upon approval by the principal, expenses for field trips are to be submitted as reimbursements only and must meet specific requirements. Reimbursements may not be processed if the following requirements are not followed for a pre-approved field trip/camp/etc:
- Students must demonstrate what was learned and how it connects to the courses on their PER/ILP. Age-appropriate assignments will be negotiated with the teacher prior to the trip. Examples of such assignments are a one-page essay for a high school student or a picture essay for a primary student. These assignments are to be turned in with the reimbursement form to your site office CyberLynx certified teacher.
- The field trip/camp must be related to classes that the student is taking as part of his/her PER/ILP.
- The field trip/camp must not be faith-based or doctrinal in nature or content.
Reimbursable expenses may include:
- All-inclusive educational programs (example: Close Up). Students participating in all-inclusive programs are not eligible for the meal per diem and lodging reimbursements.
- Admission or registration fees.
- When an adult chaperone is required in order for a student to participate in an activity, the expenses for one adult chaperone per student group (for admissions, travel, etc.) may also be eligible for reimbursement.
- Airfare, if travel is essential for this learning activity.
- Lodging. Hotel charges will be prorated for the student’s and one adult chaperone’s share only. Hotel billing statements need to be included with receipts for reimbursement.
- Reimbursements for meals up to $44/day and only on days with field trip activities. Only overnight stays are eligible for reimbursement for meals. Reimbursement for meals will not be paid until after the trip and proof of the trip has been submitted (admission tickets, airline tickets, and receipts for meals).
- Cab fees to and from the airport and educational venues only. Requests for cab fees must include a receipt and will be prorated for the student’s and one adult chaperone’s share only.
- CyberLynx will not pay for rental cars, gas, mileage reimbursement, tips, taxes, or parking fees.
- Reimbursements or payments for field trips/camps will only be made after they are completed.
- Receipts submitted for reimbursement must include documentation specifying what each expenditure was for.
- CyberLynx does not pay for any souvenirs or for activities that are purely entertainment.
- Theme parks/sporting events are considered entertainment and do not reasonably relate to a student’s instructional needs.
Musical Instrument Rental, Reimbursement, and Lease Programs
For students learning a musical instrument, CyberLynx can assist families in acquiring a musical instrument.
Students must have “music–(instrument)” on their PER/ILP and purchase an instrument during the registered/current school year.
Receipts must be dated after April 1 and after the date of enrollment.
Receipts must show payment made in full (payment plans are not accepted).
Non-retail receipts (for person-to-person transactions) must include the date of sale, the price, the method of payment (cash, check, etc.) and the signature and contact information of the seller.
CyberLynx can pay for musical instrument rental from an approved retail vendor.
CyberLynx can make a one-time reimbursement of up to $250 toward the total price of a musical instrument, even if the purchase price exceeds $250, as long as the above conditions are met.
For musical instruments costing more than $250, a family may wish to participate in our music instrument lease program. Under this program, rather than a one-time reimbursement of $250, we “lease” the instrument from the family for $38 per month for up to 36 months or until the purchase price of the instrument is reached. Lease payments will come from the designated student(s) fund account.
To participate in the musical instrument lease program:
A price quote with the original receipt for the instrument must be submitted.
The price quote reserves the funds in the student’s account for up to three fiscal years or until the price of the instrument has been reached.
Lease payments will be for the months that fall within the fiscal year.
Payments are made on the following schedule:
- For the months July-September by September 15
- For the months October-December by December 15
- For the months January-March by March 15
- For the months April-June by June 15
Only one musical instrument lease per instrument.
Lease payments terminate on the date of withdrawal from the CyberLynx program.
Materials Purchased from the Student’s Allotment
Textbooks and other curricular materials purchased with state funds are the property of the school district. Materials that are not consumables, including textbooks, must be returned to the district when the student exits the program or graduates (4AAC 33.422).
- The legal definition of “curricular materials” includes textbooks, software, multimedia materials, and other materials for which the primary purpose is instructional.
- Families have the option of reimbursing CyberLynx for materials they would like to keep.
- Any materials or books purchased with special education funds are the property of the school district and must be returned upon the student’s graduation or withdrawal.
CyberLynx Ordering
Whenever possible, we are happy to order your student’s curricular materials for you. In this way, there is no out-of-pocket expense for you and no question as to whether items will be paid for with allotment funds. You may wish to order your own materials directly and be reimbursed by us afterward. Either process is fine with us. Here are some items to keep in mind when we are ordering for you:
- Please connect with your local office staff to request us to order items on your behalf. When appropriate, you can make selections from an online vendor by creating an online “shopping cart” and then emailing that to your local office staff.
- Due to processing times and other restrictions, it is the policy of CyberLynx not to use promotional or coupon codes when placing orders. If a parent would like to take advantage of a promotional offer, the purchase should be made by the parent and submitted as a reimbursement.
- Some vendors will not accept purchase orders. We cannot order from these vendors. These companies are noted on the Approved Vendor List as “Reimbursements Only.” In these cases, parents may wish to order materials on their own and seek reimbursements afterward.
- Families with multiple students must indicate which student’s account is to be charged for each item (or group of items). If this is not done it will delay the ordering process. If an order is for all students, indicate “all”.
- Students may utilize funds from their sibling’s accounts after their account is depleted. Preschool students may also do this.
- Shipping costs, type, and speed of delivery vary. Shipping costs can be included in a reimbursement request, and are deducted from the student’s allotment in the case of CyberLynx-placed orders.
- Delivery time depends on the materials ordered, the vendor, and the time of year. At certain times of the year, particularly at the beginning of the school year, there are large numbers of orders being placed. Please allow up to two weeks for orders to be processed during these busy times.
- If you have any problems or delays with orders placed by CyberLynx, please contact your local CyberLynx Office as soon as possible. Please do not contact the vendors on your own as we have all the information needed to resolve most situations.
- Only purchase orders placed by CyberLynx staff will be honored and paid. Families may not charge anything to CyberLynx or to the Nenana City Public School District. Families may not alter orders placed by CyberLynx.
- Refunds of merchandise purchased by CyberLynx will be made to CyberLynx. The student’s account will be credited after the refund is received from the vendor.
- CyberLynx cannot place orders or reimburse for material intended to be used in the next school year until after July 1 and after the enrollment requirements are met.
- Orders and reimbursements will be mailed to Alaska resident addresses only.
Vendors are businesses that provide materials or services to our students and families. There are two types of Vendors. The first are those who provide curricula, books, materials, resources, online subscriptions, vendor-graded courses, etc. These vendors could be inside or outside of Alaska. Examples of these kinds of vendors include Calvert, Rainbow Resource, Teaching Textbooks, American School, Amazon.com, UAA, and many others.
Some of these curricula/materials vendors will accept purchase orders and will bill CyberLynx directly. Others will require payment from the family, and a reimbursement request may then be submitted to CyberLynx. Check with our CyberLynx office to see if we can place orders from a particular vendor. Also, please note that some of these curricula/materials vendors are listed as “approved items only.” This means that these vendors also sell faith-based or doctrinal materials for which CyberLynx, per state requirements, cannot purchase or reimburse. Parents may be asked to purchase from these vendors on their own and seek reimbursement from CyberLynx.
The other broad category of vendors is those who provide tutoring or instructional services to our students. Examples of these kinds of vendors include local piano teachers, academic tutors, art studios, martial arts studios, dance studios, sports teams, fitness clubs, etc. Some of these service vendors will accept purchase orders and will bill CyberLynx directly. Others will require payment from the family, and a reimbursement request may then be submitted to CyberLynx.
Businesses/vendors providing services to our students must have a current business license and must be on our approved vendor list. Reimbursements or services will be held until a completed vendor packet is submitted and approved. A vendor packet can be found on our website – https://cyberlynx.org/forms.
Restricted Purchases
We at CyberLynx want to provide you with all of the educational materials related to the educational needs of your child, and we provide the monetary resources in the form of the student’s allotment to do so. We feel that this allotment belongs to you and should be spent in whatever way you think best, within the bounds of regulations and good sense. CyberLynx has final approval for the spending of all funds.
When a purchase request is denied, it is generally because the purchase is not related to the student’s educational goals, it has not been sufficiently justified on the Reimbursement Form or PER/ILP, or it is considered to be excessive according to common-sense standards. If you do not agree with the decision to deny a purchase, you may appeal it.
The only way to be sure that a purchase will be reimbursable is to have your purchase pre-approved using the Pre-Approval Form. We recommend that you submit a pre-approval form for any purchases over $50.
Voc Ed/Woodworking
We are able to reimburse for lumber or building supplies with the following conditions:
- Materials for small woodworking projects only
- A limit of $50 of materials per project without approval
- For shop projects that need special materials/items or cost over $50, adequate information must be provided to justify purchases. Pre-approval by the principal is required. Please provide the following to determine education relevance:
- Project plan
- List of materials needed
- Equipment and tools used
Home Ec – Sewing
- Fabrics must indicate the specific project to be completed.
Home Ec – Cooking
- CyberLynx will not reimburse for any food items.
- Any over $50 must be Pre-approved by the principal.
Specialized art or craft supplies (as opposed to general arts/crafts supplies) may be reimbursed as long as Art is listed as a class on the PER. Specialized art or craft supplies must be for a specific project, and we recommend utilizing the pre-approval form for anything out of the ordinary.
Musical Instruments
- CyberLynx will reimburse up to $250 for instruments purchased during the current school year.
- Families purchasing an instrument costing more than $250 may opt for the musical instrument lease option.
- Supplies such as guitar strings, reeds, valve oil, etc are supplies and not repairs and are fully reimbursable.
- Piano tuning is reimbursable once a year for up to $250.
- When renting, leasing, or renting–to–own musical instruments, families will be reimbursed only for the payments they have made.
Photography/Digital Photography
- Cameras, camera bodies, lenses, or other photography equipment may be reimbursable if photography/digital photography is listed on the PER.
- Photography equipment is limited to $250 per item.
- Physical education equipment is limited to $500 per item.
- CyberLynx will only pay for clothing, uniforms, or other personal items needed for lessons (no specialty items for performances).
- Trampoline purchases must include a safety surround.
- See information regarding SHOES and CLOTHING below.
Shoes and Clothing – Specialty Items
When specific instructional activities require specialized footwear or clothing, CyberLynx will purchase or reimburse for those items. Specialized footwear and clothing can be described as that which would not be worn outside of that activity. For example, ballet pointe shoes or a dance leotard would not be worn outside of ballet class; they are reimbursable. Soccer cleats and climbing shoes are also reimbursable. Tennis shoes, gym shoes, running shoes, athletic clothing, hiking boots, and riding boots are all examples of items that are not reimbursable. Winter gear including hats, gloves, winter coats and boots, and snow pants are not reimbursable.
Legos, Duplos, Building Blocks, Kinex, Linkin Logs, Magnatiles, Haba Building Blocks, etc.
- Students in grades PK-2 are allowed up to $250 per year for reimbursement for these items as manipulatives. The $250 limit is inclusive of all building/connecting type items. For use as manipulatives, only basic brick Lego packages will be approved. No themed single-use Lego kits (e.g. Lego Batman, Lego Star Wars, Lego Harry Potter, etc.) are reimbursable.
- Specialty projects using these kinds of materials for grades 3-HS must be submitted with documentation of the special project for pre-approval. Reimbursement may be denied if not pre-approved.
- Lego Robotics and other approved robotics curricula may be approved if “Robotics” is listed as a separate class on the PER/ILP with an approved curriculum.
- Additional laptops, tablets, or other electronic learning devices, beyond what is allowed with the computer lease program, may be purchased for each student and reimbursed up to $500 each. See the Technology section for more details.
- IPads, tablets, Nooks, Kindles, or other similar devices may be reimbursed up to $500.
- Educational apps and e-books can be purchased and are reimbursable as long as the receipt specifies the application and/or book title purchased.
SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, and CLEP Testing
CyberLynx will reimburse students for the testing fees for the SAT and/or the ACT. Sign up for either test on your own and submit receipts with the reimbursement request. Reimbursement will be deducted from the student’s fund account. We can also reimburse for test prep aides and test prep courses. Test prep courses must be listed as a class on the student’s list of classes to receive credit.
- Contact your local job center for more information about WorkKeys testing.
- We cannot pay or reimburse for CLEP testing.
- Flying lessons must be provided by a CyberLynx-approved vendor. Flight instruction vendors must supply proof of insurance with their vendor packet.
- Furniture (including desks, chairs, bookcases, and filing cabinets) is limited to $500 per item and $500 total per year per family.
- CyberLynx cannot place magazine subscription/book club orders. These will be reimbursed only.
- CyberLynx can pay for local, behind-the-wheel driver’s instruction as a supplemental activity if Driver’s Education is listed as a class on the PER, and it is taken in conjunction with an approved Driver’s Education curriculum.
- Microscopes are reimbursed up to $250 as long as science is listed on the PER.
All equipment, supplies, and materials purchased to meet the educational goals listed on the PER will be considered for reimbursement according to a comparison of similar items used in the public school setting
Denied Purchases
The following items are not allowable for purchase or reimbursement. Parents who feel that an item listed below is required and can provide educational relevance/rationale for a class on a student’s PER/ILP can supply documentation and a Pre-Approval Form to the CyberLynx principal.
The following items are not allowable for purchase or reimbursement:
- Religious, denominational, or faith-based curricula or courses
- Physical examinations for sports participation
- Rental cars, gas, parking fees, mileage reimbursement, tips, gratuity, or taxes when traveling
- Theme parks (such as Disneyland, Disneyworld, Epcot, Six Flags, Busch Gardens, SeaWorld, Knottsberry Farms, etc.) and sporting events (NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, etc.) that are considered entertainment and do not reasonably relate to a student’s instructional needs
- Souvenirs
- Entertainment, including theme park admissions (see above) or fees that allow entrance to a facility in which no instruction/activity is directly connected to the PER/ILP
- Permanent items that adhere to or enhance the value of a non-school facility
- Toys, sleeping bags, and other materials or activities with no obvious educational value
- Make-up, candy, non-academic video games, cash money, gift cards, etc., are not reimbursable even if these are used as incentives or motivation items.
- Dolls, action figures, puppets, doll furniture, and doll clothing
- Handbags (purses), lunch boxes
- Clothing – including winter weather items such as hats, coats, gloves, etc.
- Scrapbooking supplies
- Products of “party plan” businesses such as (but not limited to) Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Thirty-One gifts, essential oils, or Creative Memories
- Tools, supplies, materials, or resources to establish an income-generating endeavor or home-based business
- Picture frames, digital frames, photo albums, etc.
- Prefabricated matting, and/or framing products or services
- Cleaning supplies or equipment
- School pictures
- Jewelry/watches
- Postage or mailing supplies (bring curriculum returns to the site office for postage)
- Animals or pets as livestock (including but not limited to chickens, goats, pigs, rabbits, etc.)
- Firearms or ammunition
- Graduation announcements and student portraits, graduation announcements, or memorabilia
- Girl/Boy Scout badges or dues
- Taxes, including sales tax on items being purchased by families and reimbursed by CyberLynx
- Scholarship application expenses
- State regulations allow for the denial of “items that are considered excessive by the school administrator.”
Technology Support
CyberLynx is proud to offer one of the best technology support programs among the statewide correspondence programs.
Computer/Technology Device Procurement Programs
There are several different ways to acquire a computer for your student. The first is with a one-time payment of up to $500 taken from the student’s allotment. A family can purchase any computer and be reimbursed for up to $250. CyberLynx can also order computers whose purchase price is less than $500 and pay for them from the allotment so that there is no out-of-pocket cost to the family. The second way is the Computer Lease Program, described below.
Computer Lease Program
This program allows the family to purchase a new computer at any time during the school year. Families are free to purchase whatever new computer (desktop, laptop, tablet, iPad, etc.) best meets their family’s needs and preferences from a retail store. Bring the original receipt for the computer and a signed Computer Lease Form to the CyberLynx site office. CyberLynx will reimburse the family for the computer at the rate of $38 per month for 36 months or until the computer is paid off, whichever comes first. If the student withdraws from the program, computer reimbursement payments will cease, and the computer remains the property of the family. The reimbursement does not come out of the student’s allotment but is a benefit over and above the student’s allotment. Payments are made to the family according to the schedule of disbursements below.
Payments for these months… | …will be paid on the following dates: |
July 1 through October 31 | November 15 |
November 1 through December 31 | January 15 |
January 1 through February 28 | March 15 |
March 1 through April 30 | May 15 |
May 1 through June 30 | July 15 |
Families may acquire multiple computers through our program for multiple students. If the family full-time student count is three or four (not including preschool students), families are allowed two computers under the Computer Lease program. If there are five or six full-time students, families are allowed three computers under the Computer Lease program. Families may re-qualify for a computer program upon the termination of the previous computer program.
Tablet computers, iPads, Nooks, Kindles, other e-readers
One iPad or tablet per full-time student will be reimbursed every two years through a one-time reimbursement of $500 taken out of the student allotment account or through the Computer Lease Program. Families may submit a pre-approval for a new iPad or tablet prior to the two years at the discretion of the principal.
Internet Service Benefit
CyberLynx will reimburse families with at least one full-time student for up to $50 for their monthly internet service. The internet reimbursement does not come out of the student’s allotment but is a benefit over and above the allotment. The individual family is responsible for establishing their internet service and keeping their account current. For reimbursement, families must submit their monthly statements of internet charges and proof of payment along with the internet reimbursement form. We will reimburse for internet for all months enrolled, July through June.
Requests for internet reimbursement must be made within 6 months of the monthly statement. Statements older than 6 months will not be paid. Families must be currently enrolled in order to be eligible for the internet service benefit.
Some areas in Alaska do not have local internet service. In these cases, CyberLynx does not pay for long-distance charges associated with dial-up service, nor does CyberLynx pay for phone lines.
AT&T MiFi Benefit
As an alternative to our monthly Internet Reimbursement, for families who cannot obtain regular internet service or would like the flexibility offered by a mobile Wi-Fi device, CyberLynx offers an unlimited MiFi service through AT&T. This is the same consumer MiFi program AT&T offers, and the coverage area will mirror the AT&T wireless coverage area.
This service is provided by AT&T, but only CyberLynx can set up an account. CyberLynx pays AT&T directly for this service on behalf of the family. To participate, at least one child in the family must continue to be a full-time CyberLynx student. Internet service will be disconnected on the date of withdrawal from the CyberLynx program.
There are two options available for MiFi service:
⭘ $99 Franklin A50 (with a one-time charge of $99 to the allotment)
⭘ $350 Nighthawk M6 (with a one-time charge of $225 to the allotment)
Administrative Discretion
If there is no written CyberLynx policy or Nenana School Board policy for a specific situation, the CyberLynx principal will make the final determination. Parents who wish to appeal such a determination may appeal the decision may do so.
Appeal Process
Parents are entitled to appeal any decision (policy, purchase denial, etc.) made while they are participants in the CyberLynx program. To appeal, the parents must first contact the CyberLynx principal in writing in order to specify the area of concern. If the principal’s decision is not satisfactory, parents may then appeal to the superintendent of the Nenana City School District in writing. If the superintendent’s decision is not satisfactory, parents may then appeal to the Nenana City School Board in writing. The decision made by the Nenana City School Board is considered final. All contact information is listed at the end of this handbook.
The Nenana City Public School District is not responsible for accidents that may occur during classes or activities with parents or classes taken through vendors.
The Nenana City Public School District School Board is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination based on age, gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, or any other unlawful consideration. The Board shall promote programs, which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all district activities. District programs and facilities, viewed in their entirety, shall be readily accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Student and Family Privacy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors, and awards, and dates of attendance. Sharing this information would only be done when there is a legitimate reason to do so, such as ordering curriculum, printing a student’s name in a graduation program, sharing scholarship opportunities, etc. This statement is a notification for parents and eligible students about directory information. Parents may request that the school not disclose certain elements of directory information about them with the Release of Information Restriction form.
Trauma Sensitivity
The CyberLynx Program is a trauma-sensitive organization. This means that we value and practice deep kindness and sensitivity in our pursuit of understanding the individual student and family experience. Students’ and families’ voices and choices are respected and encouraged, and they play an influential role in decision-making for our organization.
Accreditation from Cognia
The CyberLynx Homeschool & Correspondence Program is fully accredited through Cognia, formerly AdvancED.
Records Requests
Requests for student records are usually made by the school to which the student is moving. Only the required information will be forwarded to another school or organization. Students, parents, other K-12 public schools, and other eligible agencies may request copies of student records by submitting a records request through this website, using the button at the top of this page.
School Sponsored Activities
CyberLynx high school students may be allowed to participate in sports or other activities with the local public school. Students wishing to participate in ASAA (Alaska School Activities Association) sanctioned sports and competitions, must meet ASAA requirements. Before being eligible to participate in high school interscholastic activities, a CyberLynx (“alternative education”) student must register for the activity with the ASAA member school at which he/she is requesting to participate. The student’s residence has to be physically located within the attendance area of the school, or if not, the student has to request to participate at the school and receive approval from the school’s governing body. ASAA encourages school districts to adopt a policy that provides public notice and a period of pre-registration. For more information go to http://asaa.org/home-school/ Participation in middle and elementary school activities is up to the discretion of the principal at the local school.
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
CyberLynx is regulated by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. As such, CyberLynx follows all regulations for correspondence programs and any determinations set by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development in regard to its policies and procedures.
Dates to Know
May 27, 2024 Offices closed for Memorial Day
July 1 New fiscal year begins and families may begin submitting orders and reimbursement requests for the new school year
June 26-July 7: Offices closed for the July Fourth Holiday
September 4: Offices closed for Labor Day
Quarter 1 work samples due October 15 – November 15
November 6-10: Offices closed for Staff Professional Development
November 20-24: Offices closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday
December 22-Jan. 5: Offices closed for the Christmas & New Year’s Holiday
Quarter 2 work samples due January 15 – February 15
January 15: Last day to make changes to first-semester classes
March 11-15: Offices closed for Spring Break
Quarter 3 work samples due March 15 – April 15
March 30: Last day to make changes to second-semester classes
April 1: Enrollment begins for the next school year for new and returning students.
April State Assessments are given for students in Grades 3-10
April 30: Orders and reimbursement requests must be received in the CyberLynx offices in person, via email, or mailed and postmarked by the end of the day on or before April 30, 2025.
Quarter 4 work samples due May 15 – June 15 (or earlier)*
May Graduation Ceremonies
May 26, 2025 Offices Closed for Memorial Day