What does it cost?

There is no cost to families for a student’s participation in our program. Instead, a student funding allotment is provided. The allotment is an amount of money that we spend on your behalf or allow you to spend for all of the educational-related needs of your student. This allotment can pay for items such as a student’s books, classes, school supplies, technology support, tutoring, music or activity lessons, PE, and other items related to your student’s education.

How much is the student allotment?

CyberLynx student allotments for one school year (July 1 to June 30):

Full Time Student
Grade Pre-K (w/enrolled sibling)$500
Grades K-12:$2,700

What if we expend all of our allotment?

If funding has been exhausted during the current school year, families will be responsible for further purchasing of educational/instructional services and materials. Keeping an awareness of each students’ allotment balance throughout the year is advisable. Site offices can always give you an update of your allotment balances throughout the year. Students may also utilize fund from a siblings account after their accounts are depleted.

What if we have funds remaining in our allotment at the end of the year?

Unexpended funds remaining in a student’s account at the end of the fiscal year will roll over into the student’s fund account for the following year as long as the student remains continuously enrolled with CyberLynx and does not age out (does not turn 20 years old before October 1) for the following school year. Preschool students’ unexpended funds do not roll over. A student’s account will be closed upon withdrawal from CyberLynx, and siblings cannot use funds from a withdrawn student.

Who can enroll?

Enrollment in the CyberLynx program is done so by choice. Here are a few requirements that parents and students must fulfill in order to enroll with us.

  • A student must be at least five years old on or before September 1 in order to enroll in kindergarten. Additionally, he or she must be at least six years old on or before September 1 in order to enroll in first grade.
  • A student must be less than 20 years old on October 1. Turning 20 years old sometime during your last year with CyberLynx is fine.
  • Students with special education needs are eligible to enroll if it is determined that CyberLynx is the most appropriate and least restrictive educational environment and the student is less than 22 years old on July 1. The determination whether to enroll a student with special education needs is made by the CyberLynx Principal and the Special Education Director after a review of the student’s IEP (Individual Education Plan).
  • We do enroll preschool students who are at least four years old on or before September 1 and who have an older sibling currently enrolled with CyberLynx. The annual allotment for preschool students is $475.
  • Students who are dually enrolled with another public or private school must have the Dual Enrollment Agreement form in place before funding will be available in their student accounts. Talk to your site office contact teacher if this applies to you or your student.
  • The CyberLynx program is only for students residing in Alaska. Services outside of Alaska will not be provided. CyberLynx requires an Alaska mailing or physical address.

When can we enroll?

Enrollment for the coming school year can begin as early as May 1, and enrollment continues through early October for full funding. Every week after the first week in October, funding decreases by a 1/4. We can continue to enroll students throughout the year, but a student enrolling after October will have a significantly reduced funding allotment.

What curricula to use?

At CyberLynx, our goal is to give parents as much choice and flexibility as possible regarding both curriculum and instruction. We understand that parents who want to homeschool often know what methods and tools work best for their students.

CyberLynx students are required to use a designated curriculum for each course that has been reviewed and approved by the CyberLynx Principal. Please contact your site office certified teacher for a list of Approved Curriculum.

If you are interested in using curricula not included on the approved curriculum list, you could either create a home-designed course (see below for more information on home-designed courses), or request that the curriculum be reviewed for possible inclusion on our list of approved curricula. More information about the curricula approval process can be found in our handbook.

Can we use faith-based curricula?

Many of our families used some faith-based curriculum to educate their children while enrolled with CyberLynx. The State of Alaska says no school district funds can be used to pay for – or reimburse for – curricula, courses, or material that are religious, partisan, sectarian, or denominational in nature. 4AAC 33.421 (e). Nothing in regulation prevents a parent from providing supplemental instruction to the parent’s own child using materials of the parent’s choice if the materials were not purchased with money provided by the program. CyberLynx cannot include, evaluate, or assign credit for classes whose primary focus is the teaching of religious doctrine or the study of religious texts. 

What testing is required?

Assessment is an integral part of education, and good assessment is ongoing. The only way to know if a student understands the skill or concept being taught is through assessment. Most curricula you choose to use will have built-in assessments in the form of informal checks for understanding, tests, reviews, and quizzes, etc. These will vary by student, curriculum, and grade level. CyberLynx does not require a specific test for grade-level advancement.

State Testing

The State of Alaska Department of Education has partnered with NWEA and MAP Growth to develop the AK STAR online assessment that meets the need of state accountability measures and reduces the testing burden on students. This test covers the content areas of English/Language Arts (reading and writing), Math (grades 3-9), and Science (grades 4, 8, and 10), and they are typically administered in the spring of each year. 

MAP Growth

The MAP Growth assessment is a computer-based assessment that is a useful tool to help parents better understand what their child knows and is ready to learn next in the areas of language arts and math. It can also help parents track their child’s individual academic growth over time, wherever they are starting from, and whatever grade they are in. CyberLynx offers the MAP Growth three times each year, at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year. This is not a requirement, but it is an additional benefit to your child’s enrollment with CyberLynx that will allow you to have a better conversation with your contact teacher about your student’s academic progress.

Parents are encouraged to have their children participate in the MAP Growth interim assessments in the fall and winter, and then participate in the combined AK STAR summative assessment and AK Star online assessment each spring. 

We also recognize a parent’s right to not have their child participate in state testing. Students who do not participate in testing will not be barred from re-enrolling, their student allotment and financial accounts will not be affected, and their grades or academic standing will not be affected. 

College and Career Readiness Assessments

Students who are interested in continuing their education and training after high school through technical schools, colleges, and with applications for scholarships may want to take the SAT, the ACT, and/or the WorkKeys exams. Students applying for the Alaska Performance Scholarship must take one of these exams. For more information about the SAT, the ACT, the WorkKeys exam, or the Alaska Performance Scholarship, please contact your local office.

When are work samples due?

One of our core values is our ability to provide maximum flexibility along with ensuring that students are making healthy academic progress. All families are different, beginning and ending their school year at different times. To support all families, we provide the following due dates for quarterly work sample submissions. 

Quarter 1 work samples due October 15 – November 15

Quarter 2 work samples due January 15 – February 15

Quarter 3 work samples due March 15 – April 15

Quarter 4 work samples due May 15 – June 15 (or earlier)*

(* Second-semester graduating seniors will have additional deadlines.)

Work samples may be accepted by your CyberLynx site office teacher either electronically or as a hard copy. If adequate quarterly work samples for each course are not submitted by the end of the submission window, the student’s allotment funds may be put on hold, and students may be withdrawn from CyberLynx for failure to document academic progress. Work samples may always be turned in earlier than this schedule.

What type of work samples are required?

Quarterly Work Samples: A work sample is a selection of student-completed assignments, quizzes, and unit exams showing the student’s level of independent mastery of the instructed concepts, skills, and standards for each of their classes.

  • A complete work sample is broken down into four categories as follows:
    • Portfolio: Samples that show a student’s performance with assistance
      • End-of-Lesson or Chapter Reviews
      • Creative Writing
      • Reports/Projects
      • Daily Lessons/Assignments
    • Quizzes: Samples that show a student’s performance with little to no assistance
      • Mid-Unit Quizzes w/answer key
      • Chapter Tests w/answer key
    • Unit Exams:  Samples that show a student’s performance with no assistance
      • Midterm Exams w/answer key
      • Semester Finals w/answer key
      • Independently completed writing assignments/prompts or essays
      • Independently completed projects or presentations
    • Vendor Report: Vendor-generated report showing student progress in individual classes
      • Semester-based classes must have ½ of the required work submitted (example: 4/8 lessons turned in)
      • Year-long courses must have ¼ of the required work submitted (example: 4/16 lessons turned in)

How much can we spend on electives?

As long as students have had their ILP/PER meeting and they have their designated, approved instructional curriculum for the year, families can spend the balance of the student allotment on electives that correspond to the courses on their PER.

What are some examples of resources that are not reimbursable?

Some items are denied for reimbursement by state regulation. Some of these include:

  • Physical examinations;
  • Recital and Martial Art testing fees.
  • Travel expenses, gas, food, lodging;
  • Admission to sporting events (including pro games);
  • All parking fees for events, including but not limited to field trips, parks;
  • Souvenirs, rental cars, tips;
  • Entertainment, including theme park admissions or fees that allow entrance to a facility in which no instruction is directly connected to the PER;
  • Activities or travel related to post-secondary education, including scouting for colleges.
  • Registrations for YMCA Camp, Boy Scout Camp, Girl Scout Camp or other charity-sponsored summer residential camps.
Toys/Household Items
  • Furniture (including desks, chairs, bookcases, and filing cabinets) is limited to a total of $250 per year per family;
  • Permanent items that adhere to or enhance the value of a non-school facility;
  • Toys, sleeping bags, and other materials or activities with no obvious educational value.
  • Animals, horseshoes, pet supplies, etc., (including aquariums, food, fish);
  • Girl/Boy Scout badges or dues;
  • Taxes
  • Fees for teaching/tutoring/training by a parent or close relative of the student; 4AAC 33.421(k)(5)

There are additional items that cannot be reimbursed. Please see the CyberLynx Handbook and submit a Pre-approval Form prior to purchasing.  

When can I start buying materials?

After an initial ILP/PER meeting with a signed PER. Purchases (receipts) must be dated after April 1st.  Reimbursement requests can be submitted after July 1st dated between April 1st and June 30th.

Can my child be dually enrolled with another public school?

Students may dual enroll in classes at their local schools as well as CyberLynx. A dual enrollment form is needed. Contact CyberLynx site office for details and options. (see Forms section)


Appeal Process

Parents are entitled to appeal any decision (policy, purchase denial, etc.) made while they are participants in the CyberLynx program. To appeal, the parents must:

  1. First contact the CyberLynx principal in writing, specifying the area of concern.  If the principal’s decision is not satisfactory,
  2. Parents may then appeal to the superintendent of Nenana City School District in writing.  If the superintendent’s decision is not satisfactory,
  3. Parents may then appeal to Nenana City School Board in writing.  The decision made by the Nenana City School Board is considered final.

Certified Teacher

CyberLynx has certified teachers available to assist you and your child with academic-related issues. Parents are considered the student’s primary instructors. Your assigned certified teacher should be considered your first point of contact with CyberLynx. Certified teachers’ responsibilities include:

  • Individual Learning Plans (ILP)/Personal Education Report (PER) development
  • Course Agreement development
  • Monitoring student progress
  • The assignment of course/class grades
  • Monthly parental contact

Class Standings

A high school student’s class standing shall be determined by the number of years the student has been enrolled in high school or by the number of credits earned. Class standing is determined at the beginning of each school year. The following shall apply:

Freshman (9th grade)
  • A student in his/her first year of high school.
Sophomore (10th grade)
  • A student in his/her second year of high school, OR a student who has earned 5 credits but less than 10.5 credits.
Junior (11th grade)
  • A student in his/her third year of high school, OR any year thereafter until the student has earned 15.5 credits.
  • Of the 15.5 credits, there must be a minimum of 7 combined credits in academic core classes (English, mathematics, science, and Social Studies).
Senior (12th grade)
  • A student who has earned 15.5 credits OR any year thereafter until state and local graduation requirements have been satisfied or until the student exceeds school age.
  • Of the 15.5 credits, there must be a minimum of 7 combined credits in academic core classes (English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies).

College-Level Classes

A high school student who enrolls in a college class from an accredited University/College and earns a passing grade:

  • Will have the course counted with a higher GPA (page 24 GPA chart).
  • Receive high school credit on his/her transcript.
    • 0 high school credit for a 6 credit hour college class
    • .5 high school credit for a 3 or 4 credit hour college class
    • .25 high school credit for a 2 credit hour college class
    • Less than 2 credit hour college classes
  • On their own will not earn high school credit
  • If combined with another class in the same “courses department” can earn credit with a “P” for grade status. Credit will be awarded as long as the college credit hours add up to the requirement listed above.

Dual Enrollment

Students may be enrolled in classes at their local public school as well as with CyberLynx; such a student is called a “dual-enrolled student.” Funds are shared between the local district and CyberLynx.

  • Parents of dual-enrolled students are required to complete a Dual Enrollment Form, prior to signing PER. (see Forms section for form)
  • The completed form must be received before the student’s funds will be released in the student account.

High school students taking courses at the University of Alaska or at state-run community colleges are not considered dual-enrolled, as those schools are post-secondary institutions. (Students taking these classes will receive dual credit)

Field Trips/Camps

Field trips, camps, and similar activities are encouraged as part of a child’s educational growth.  However, according to state law, “a correspondence study program may not pay for or provide money for family travel, including transportation, food, or lodging; or for expenses during, or for any out of state travel, annual passes or family memberships to a sports or recreation facility and associated parking fees.” The law is very specific, on field trips, camps and similar activities being closely “associated with direct instructional activities.”

  • The stringent nature of the law requires that all such activities receive pre-approval from the CyberLynx principal in order to receive reimbursement for expenses (field trip expenditures will be denied unless pre-approved).
    • Listed below are principal pre-approved field trips/pre-approved admissions
The Imaginarium in AnchorageAlaska Native Heritage Center
The Anchorage MuseumThe University of Alaska Museum
Anchorage ZooThe Alaska SeaLife Center

Please see your site office for more information on approved field trips/camps.  

High School Elective Course Descriptions

Vocational Education: The vocational education requirement is usually fulfilled as a home-designed course requiring a Course Agreement, but a course purchased from a vendor may also be used.

  • Vocational education includes any class that teaches the student a skill that he/she may use in obtaining a job or identifying a career interest.
    • It may be a class that teaches business/office skills, business finance skills, or employability skills.
  • Work-Study (OJT) course can be done for credit using a Course Agreement.
    • Work-Study classes can only earn a “P” or Pass for a grade, (“P” does not receive GPA points, but does receive credit).
  • Credit cannot be earned for activities such as babysitting siblings, house cleaning, or caring for your pets.

Health/Life Skills: Health is a course to help students understand the components that make up a healthy lifestyle. Life Skills course requirements should include independent living and career choices that contribute to well-being. Technology: Technology is any class that the student uses to increase his/her computer skills. Physical Education: Students can receive physical education (PE) credit in a variety of ways.

  • Course Agreement, which may include participating in a competitive sport as part of a team, working out at home or at a gym.
  • Vendor classes or textbooks are available to meet PE course requirements

Electives: Electives include any class taken for enjoyment, interest, or personal development.

  • Examples are art, music, social science, world languages, and photography.

High School Graduation Requirements

To receive a diploma from Nenana City Public School, a student must earn 22 credits in the academic areas noted:

English/Language Arts4 credits
Mathematics3 credits
Science2 credits
Social Studies2.5 credits
Alaska History0.5 credits
PE or Health1 credit
Electives9 credits
Total22 credits

A class may be counted only once for high school credit.  Students are allowed to re-take classes in order to improve their GPA. Refer to Graduation Requirement Checklist 

Individual Learning Plan (ILP/Personal Education Report (PER)

A PER is each student’s class listing and grade report for the school year.

  • Parents will be given an appointment to meet individually with the site office certified teacher to fill out their child’s Personal Education Report (PER).
    • Students enrolled by October 26th, PER’s must be complete by November 1st to guarantee allotted funding amount.
  • After November 1st allotted students’ funds are reduced significantly.
  • PER’s not completed by November 30th will be administratively withdrawn.
    • Student allotments are available after July 1st, provided a signed PER has been received by the Nenana office.
    • Midyear enrollees must complete their PER within two weeks of enrollment being accepted, signed PER must be received by the Nenana office before limited funding and recycle materials will be available for use.
  • Parents will meet with assigned site office certified teacher quarterly to discuss student progress and turn in work samples


Families can be reimbursed up to $50 for monthly charges. Internet charges are NOT taken out of student allotments but are over and above the allotment. Please refer to the CyberLynx Handbook for more information, reimbursement forms, and restrictions.

Late Enrollees

Late Enrollees are students who enroll during the “count” period (typically the month of October). Students enrolling during this period will have an adjusted student fund account. Please contact the site office for a funding chart.  

Mid-Year Enrollees

Mid-Year Enrollees are students who enroll after the count period (end of October). CyberLynx allows students to enroll all year, however, enrolling after count impacts resources and curriculum choices.  

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

CyberLynx parents and teachers serve on the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).

  • The PAC has meetings in the site offices as needed to:
    • Solicit parent comments and concerns
    • Provide direct input on policy development and implementation
    • To advise the principal about texts and learning materials, to be recommended for approval by the District School Board

Preschool Sibling Funding

CyberLynx receives no state funding for preschoolers, but we recognize the importance of early education.

  • Preschoolers must have at least one sibling in Kindergarten or a higher grade level to be eligible for enrollment.
  • Preschool students must fill out and comply with all CyberLynx paperwork and requirements.
  • We provide $500 (full time) as an individual allotment and it does not come out of their sibling’s account(s).
  • Preschool students must be four years old by September 1st. (Birth Certificate required)
  • Preschoolers must be accepted by CyberLynx before funds may be used.
  • Contact your site office for more information.

School Supplies

CyberLynx will reimburse for school supplies. The current school supply limit is $250 per full-time student per year. See site office and CyberLynx Handbook for more information.  

State-Mandated Core Classes

Students enrolled in CyberLynx must take at least 50 percent of their coursework in core classes. Elective credits cannot exceed core credits.

  • ½ time = 1 core class + 1 elective
  • ¾ time = 2 core classes + 1 elective
  • Full time = 2 core classes + 2 elective
  • Core classes >Electives

A “core class” as defined by the state of Alaska is a course of study in:

  • English
  • Math
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Technology
  • World Languages
  • Courses required by a student’s IEP if the student is receiving special education and related services under 4 AAC 52


CyberLynx has certified teachers and paraprofessionals at each site office to provide occasional tutoring sessions when needed.

  • Tutoring sessions are available during business hours at our site offices.
  • Due to the need to have staff available to all students in CyberLynx
    • Please make appointments for tutoring sessions.
    • Tutoring in the home is not available.
  • Contact your local CyberLynx office to schedule tutoring.

Private tutoring is available to students who wish to have tutoring at home, at more convenient times, or to address more on-going needs.

  • Student allotment can be used for private tutoring.
  • Tutors must meet the State and CyberLynx requirements (see CyberLynx Handbook).

Apply Now

CyberLYNX white Logo

3330 Industrial Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Cognia Accredited VCA CASI | NWAC | SACS CASI

Phone: 907-832-5423
Fax: 907-832-5468
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

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