High School & Beyond

Graduation Requirements

Most high schools have similar graduation requirements, but there are typically minor variations in the credits and courses required. The Graduation Requirement Checklist form shows how many credits are required in each subject area. The site office certified teacher and student will use this form to keep track of what credits and courses have been completed, and what credits and courses are still needed to meet graduation requirements.

Dual Enrollment: College Level Courses in High School

High school students may take college-level courses if they feel they can be successful. Students who earn passing scores from a college or vocational school will be awarded high school credit for those courses.

Three credit college courses (a typical one-semester course) will earn 0.5 high school credits.

College credits are translated to high school credits as follows:

  • 2 credit college class = 0.25 high school credits
  • 3 or 4 credit college class = 0.5 high school credits

A one-credit college class does not earn high school credit, but it can be combined with another course from the same academic department to earn a grade of “P” and earn high school credits consistent with the equivalencies list above.

The following universities and vocational schools in Alaska are eligible for dual enrollment with CyberLynx:

College and Career Readiness Testing

Students who are interested in continuing their education and training after high school through technical schools, colleges, and with applications for scholarships may want to take the SAT, the ACT, and/or the WorkKeys exams. Students applying for the Alaska Performance Scholarship must take one of these exams. For more information about the SAT, the ACT, the WorkKeys exam, or the Alaska Performance Scholarship, please contact your local office.

If your family lives in an outlying area, please contact your CyberLynx certified teacher to make arrangements for testing.

School SAT ID: 973058 / School ACT ID: 973058


The CyberLynx Scholarship

The CyberLynx Scholarship Program is a competitive scholarship intended to offer additional college opportunities for our full-time high school students. This program will pay for one course of the student’s choice from any University of Alaska system campus. This scholarship is awarded twice a year, and the deadlines for submitting applications are December 1 for scholarships to be used during the following spring semester, and April 1 for scholarships to be used during the following summer semester or the following fall semester. If special circumstances or considerations are needed due to college schedules, the CyberLynx Principal may allow for the use of this scholarship during a semester other than those designated above.

Up to three scholarships may be awarded for the spring semester, and up to three may be awarded for the summer/fall semesters. Scholarships only cover the cost of tuition for a single semester course up to a maximum of $702 for the 21-22 school year (books and lab fees can be paid from family allotment). The course that is covered by the scholarship must be added to the PER. The course choice must be in compliance with Alaska state regulations which means the number of electives cannot exceed the number of core classes. Scholarships are paid directly to the University of Alaska institution providing the course, and students will receive high school credit as well as college credit for these courses.

The UA Scholars Program

The UA Scholars Award is a program of the University of Alaska that awards $12,000 scholarships to the top 10 percent of juniors from each qualifying Alaska high school. The award may be used for attendance at any University of Alaska campus. Students are designated by their high school based on their standing at the end of their junior year. UA Scholar designees from CyberLynx are submitted after June 30 each year. To qualify, students must be enrolled in CyberLynx full-time, have earned at least 15.5 credits, and have spent exactly three years in high school. The student’s GPA is cumulative of all high school credits. 

If a student does not qualify at the end of their junior year but does graduate from CyberLynx in the top 10% of their class, they can apply for a waiver directly through the UA scholars program in order to qualify for the UA Scholars award. 

The UA Scholars Award requires that students graduate from an Alaska high school. UA Scholars receive $1,500 per semester for up to eight semesters. The award amount is fixed and is not dependent on other financial aid received. Once enrolled, UA Scholars must maintain full-time enrollment status and a 2.5 cumulative GPA to remain eligible for the award. For more information on the UA Scholars program, go to www.alaska.edu/scholars/.

The Alaska Performance Scholarship

Students interested in the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) will need to take a college career readiness assessment such as the SAT, ACT, and/or WorkKeys exam. More information about the APS can be found online. Please ask your contact teacher for more information about qualifying for the Alaska Performance Scholarship since the APS has very specific credit and course requirements which differ from CyberLynx’s minimum graduation requirements. The requirements for the Alaska Performance Scholarship are fully outlined on the APS website. https://acpe.alaska.gov/FINANCIAL-AID/AK-Performance-Scholarship

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Click here to learn more about applying for federal financial aid!


CyberLYNX white Logo

3330 Industrial Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Cognia Accredited VCA CASI | NWAC | SACS CASI

Phone: 907-832-5423
Fax: 907-832-5468
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

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