AK STAR Testing

March 24, 2022

Dear CyberLynx Families, 

As most of you know, state assessment of students in grades 3-9 (plus grade 10 for the science test) is an annual requirement for all students. We also recognize a family’s right not to have their child participate in state testing. 

This past August, Alaska announced a new statewide assessment, the Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) assessment. More information about AK STAR can be found here. This new assessment is only available as an online assessment; paper/pencil testing is no longer an option. Shortly after this announcement, CyberLynx ordered enough devices to test all of our students. Due to supply chain issues that many of us have experienced recently, those computers have not yet arrived and are not scheduled to arrive until the testing season is over. 

In order to meet the testing requirement this year, we are offering to test those students whose families wish to test in our local office, and who are willing to bring their own device (PC laptop, Apple laptop, or Chromebook laptop) for testing. Further, the test requires a specific browser developed by the testing company to be installed on the device your child will be using. You can install that browser ahead of time on your own, or you can bring the device to your CyberLynx office for assistance in downloading and installing that browser. 

The testing window is from March 28 until April 29. The actual dates that your child will test in your local office will be determined after we find out how many students are requesting to test. 

If you want your child to participate in the AK STAR State Assessment, and you are willing to provide your child’s device for testing, please let us know by responding to this brief form. Since we have a very tight timeline for testing, please respond to this form by Monday, March 28. If you do not wish for your child to participate in assessment testing, you do not need to respond to this form. 

If you have questions about any of this, please reach out to your contact teacher. 

All the best, 

Brian Rozell, CyberLynx Principal

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3330 Industrial Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Cognia Accredited VCA CASI | NWAC | SACS CASI

Phone: 907-832-5423
Fax: 907-832-5468
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

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