Competitive Allotment

There is no cost to families for a student’s participation in the CyberLynx program. Instead, a student allotment is provided. The allotment is an amount of money that is available to be spent on the educational needs of your student. This allotment can pay for items such as student books, classes, school supplies, technology support, tutoring, music or activity lessons, PE, and other items related to your student’s education. 

CyberLynx allotment for grades K-12: $2,700


The preschool allotment is $500 for a preschooler with a full-time enrolled sibling.

Note that this allotment amount does NOT include the $50 monthly reimbursement provided by CyberLynx to cover family internet charges. The Internet Reimbursement Program and the Computer Lease Program are benefits over and above the amount of the student allotment! You can learn more about the details of our student allotment in our Handbook. To learn more about our internet and technology program, visit our Technology Reimbursement page.


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CyberLYNX white Logo

3330 Industrial Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Cognia Accredited VCA CASI | NWAC | SACS CASI

Phone: 907-832-5423
Fax: 907-832-5468
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

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