Nenana Ice Classic 2016 Scholarship

The Nenana Ice Classic will be offering 1 $500.00 Education Scholarship. The person applying for the scholarship must be a graduate of Nenana Public School District, including CyberLynx Correspondence, and must be graduating in 2016. Any student that is graduating from NCSD, and is planning on attending a college/university, trade/technical or vocational school to continue their education is eligible.

A letter of application must be received at the Nenana Ice Classic Office to the attention of the Scholarship Committee on or before May 16th, 2016.

Students wishing to be to considered for the Nenana Ice Classic  Scholarship must apply in writing. He and or/She should include in the letter of application:

1. Goals for the future.

2. Three letters of recommendation:

  • a. Teacher
  • b. Adult Community Member
  • c. Adult of Students Choice; employer, teacher, friend.

3. Brief personal history.

4. How this scholarship will benefit them.

5. Copy of school transcripts.

6. 300 word essay containing: What is the Nenana Ice Classic, what does it mean to them, and how do the proceeds benefit the community.

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3330 Industrial Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Cognia Accredited VCA CASI | NWAC | SACS CASI

Phone: 907-832-5423
Fax: 907-832-5468
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

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